Kingsbridge contractor insurance provides our clients a comprehensive and competitively price cover for the limited companies.
For any unforeseen circumstances it’s better to be covered. Any of your actions that lead to anything being damaged or anybody being injured is essential to be insured as it can result in a costly claim being made against you. For example if you give any client any advice or have carried out any work which has resulted in a loss of money, they may bring a claim against you.
In such a situation, having appropriate insurance in place could be what keeps you in business.
As a limited Company contractor there are a number of services to be considered, for example
Professional Indemnity
Provides cover for legal defence costs and damages against you if you are accused of professional negligence, making an error or omission resulting in your client losing money.
Public Liability
A cover that provides insurance in case someone is injured or a property is damaged as a result of your actions whilst supplying services. Whether you are on your own premises or at a client’s site, you have a duty to protect anyone who might be affected by your activities. Failure to have no cover can lead to having to pay substantial compensation.
Employer’s Liability
Provides protection against claims from employees. As a contractor employing yourself or your spouse, the likelihood of any claims is clearly very low though it may be requirement of your end client or agency to have the necessary insurance in place. Also it helps to show you are operating as a genuine business for IR35 purposes. In case of companies with employees it gives you a peace of mind that you are covered and compliant as per industry standards and requirements.
There are a Limited number of providers that offer appropriate insurance to the contracting community. Kingsbridge contractor insurers are the leaders in the freelancers, contractors and independent professional’s insurance provider market. Kingsbridge provides a comprehensive, inexpensive and compliant contractor insurance.
At Kingsbridge there package includes all the key insurances you may need i.e. professional indemnity, public liability and employers liability, One policy to cover all areas to meet your contractual insurance requirements.
- Cover for previous work
- Price promise guarantee
- Occupational Personal Accident Cover as standard
- Daily tax updates
- No annual commitment
- Key IR35 indicator