
Accountants in Langley

Accountants in Langley

Is your accountant based locally to you?
Do you see your accountant more than twice a year? www.asmataccountants.co.uk
The most important decision you’ll make is in choosing a locally based firm of accountants to help you with running your business.  We are based locally so you can drop in anytime and be assured of access to your accountant for information or advice whenever you may need it.

Areas Asmat Accountants specialise in,
Company Formation
Book Keeping
Preparation of Company Accounts
Submission to Company’s House
Submission to HMRC
Self Assessment
Sole Trader Accounts
TAX Investigation
DORMANT Accounts
Mortgage Accounts

We are specialists in VAT in the following industries, who require VAT submission such as
Standard VAT
Flat rate VAT
Marginal VAT
TOMS VAT (Tour operator Margin Scheme)
Global Accounting VAT

We also specialize in Immigration Accounts, specifically in
HSMP Tier 1
Entrepreneur Visa
*Dependents visa


Within the service industry we specialize in Contractor Accounts dealing with,
Limited company formation and various other registrations and filings such as
Director Self assessment
Flat rate vat
Company accounts preparation
Company Accounts submission to Companies House & HMRC
Company’s Annual Return

Other Areas we specialize in,
Preparation & Filing of Dormant Accounts
*Company Strike off –add categories
Capital Gains Tax accounts preparation & filing
Inheritance tax calculation & Filing
EBay traders Accounts for sole traders and Company’s
Amazon trader Accounts for sole trader & Company’s
Freelancer Accounts

Existing Clientele –  
Accountants for EBay sellers
Accountants for EBay traders
Accountants for Doctors
Accountants for Nurses
Accountants for NHS Contractors
Accountants for Charities
Accountants for Child minders
Accountants for Hairdressers
Accountants for Hair Salons
Accountants for IT Contractors
Accountants for Landlords
Accountants for Law Firms
Accountants for Nurses
Accountants for Offshore Workers
Accountants for Pharmacists
Accountants for Pubs
Accountants for solicitor firms
Accountants for Estate Agents
Accountants for Child minders
Accountants for carers
Accountants for care homes
Accountants for nurseries
Accountants for motor trade
Accountants for mechanics
Accountants for photographers
Accountants for videographers
Accountants for technology company
Accountants for recruitment agencies
Accountants for medical practitioners
Accountants for technology companies
Accountants for IT Houses
Accountants for Web developers
Accountants for Freelancers
Accountants for mechanics
Accountants for Tourism
Accountants for Holiday package companies
Accountants for Pet product companies
Accountants for Engineers
Accountants for Architects
Accountants for Grocery stores
Accountants for Superstores
Accountants for off licenses
Accountants for Recycling companies
Accountants for Printers
Accountants for advertisement houses
Accountants for media companies
Accountants for teachers
Accountants for schools
Accountants for colleges
Accountants for restaurants
Accountants for takeaways
Accountants for franchises
Accountants for educational institutions
Accountants for cafes
Accountants for dessert parlors
Accountants for dessert parlors
Accountants for textile industry
Accountants for tailors
Accountants for retailers
Accountants for event presenters
Accountants for stage shows
Accountants for production houses
Accountants for clothing manufacturers
Accountants for shoe manufacturers
Accountants for clothing retailers
Accountants for Farmers

Asmat Accountants

Asmat & Co are one of Berkshires’ leading independent firms of Accountants servicing a growing and satisfied clientele. At Asmat & Co expert advice is available from senior qualified Chartered Management Accountants (ACMA) and Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), at very attractive packages tailored to suit varied individual and business requirements. The professional team at Asmat & Co. possesses extensive experience in providing accounting, tax, finance transformation and business advisory services to a diverse customer base.


  • 84 High Street, Slough, Berkshire SL1 1EL, United Kingdom
    Get directions >>
  • 01753 424968 / 02035 988 621
  • 01753 437109
  • info@asmataccountants.co.uk

Reading Office

  • 365-367 Oxford Road, Reading, RG30 1HA
    Get directions >>
  • 0118 950 9841
  • reading@asmataccountants.co.uk

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